Tips to Help Reduce Stress When Going Through a Divorce

Divorces are stressful experiences no couple ever expects to have to endure. Unfortunately, marriages don’t always work out the way we plan and many often find themselves faced with the dreadful divorce process. This process can often be draining both physically and mentally and if you want to keep it together throughout it for your sake and that of your children if you have any, then you may want to consider these tips that are geared toward easing your stress while going through a divorce.

  1. Don’t be afraid to “let go” of your negative feelings. According to John T. Chirban, Ph.D., Th.D., who is a clinical instructor in psychology at Harvard Medical School, it’s not only important to confront your negative emotions but to also let them go [Source: Psychology Today]. Rather than allowing your pain and anger to build up inside, which we all know is going to eventually lead to an explosion of emotions, address how you feel and move forward. It’s common to feel negative emotions during a divorce but you can’t forget about the positive ones as well. Find a way to vent, or release these negative feelings inside so that they don’t affect multiple areas of your life. Chirban says that “the pressures of divorce are potent and toxic, and it’s important that you release the toxicity: pushing away stress-constructively.”
  1. Have fun while going through your divorce. Sure your life may have just taken a 360 turn on you but that doesn’t mean you have to let your divorce consume you. Do things you and your kids enjoy. Chirban recommends watching comedies or playing games, anything that can spark some laughter in your life. “The power of humor is a well-documented antidote against illness,” says Chirban so don’t be a “hostage to your divorce” and instead live life to the fullest.
  1. Exercise. While it is known that exercise is good for the body, it is also good for the mind. Exercising allows you to release stress, and it is likely you have a lot built up since the moment the divorce was sprung on you or you had to make the decision to file. Kids also enjoy physical activities so if you’re not getting your exercise in at the gym, consider engaging in sports or other outdoor activities that both you and your children can enjoy.
  1. Indulge in a little pampering. Whether it is with a 60-minute massage or a chiropractic adjustment, Chirban says these can “help release tension in the muscles as well as enhance relaxation.” And if you’re like most individuals going through a divorce, you can definitely benefit from a release of tension and an increase in relaxation.
  1. Try to relax. By this, Chirban means do “nothing.” Being caught in the middle of a divorce, having to attend court, trying to keep up with work, and sustaining your role as a single parent can be hard, which is why you need to step back and relax. Allowing yourself to get overwhelmed and worked up is only going to make this time tougher to get through for both you and your kids. So, instead, try out some “breathing and relaxation techniques that target focused efforts for relaxing your physical and emotional being.”

Chirban offers a few other ways to help ease your stress which you can read about by clicking here.

Aside from implementing these tips to help ease your stress, you also have the Rockville, Maryland divorce lawyers at Barkley & Kennedy to turn to. We understand how stressful divorces can be and the negative impacts they can have on your life. That is why we want to be there to provide you with assistance and support that can make this time easier to get through.

If you are interested in learning more about how our office can help you with your divorce case, contact us today at 301-251-6600.

You can reach Barkley & Kennedy at:
51 Monroe Street, #1407
Rockville, MD 20850