We want to protect your rights and help you get your life back on track.
We understand that every client and every accident is unique, and each presents a distinct set of circumstances. Because of this, we listen intently to our clients. We value getting to know them and their families. We handle every case as if our own families were involved. We maintain a friendly, professional environment where our clients feel comfortable. We answer clients' questions promptly, clearly and concisely. Our goal is to protect our clients' legal rights and ensure that their lives get back on track.
Personal injury is a legal term for injury to an individual's body, emotions, or mind (as opposed to injury or destruction of a material item or piece of property).
Many cases of personal injury are the result of the negligent actions of a second party. If it can be proved that such second party is at fault for injuries, the victim may be entitled to monetary compensation. Cases of personal injury may involve vehicular accidents and slip and falls.
Personal injury disputes can take a great emotional and financial toll. We will work to ensure that your needs are met with a minimum of stress and expense. Where litigation becomes necessary, we are tireless and effective advocates.
We're ready to help. Call us for a personal injury lawyer today!
(301) 251-6600 - Rockville
(301) 607-1231 - Frederick